ST Beyond review

I had my second viewing of ST Beyond this weekend. My wife did not catch the film during its theatrical release, so she asked to watch it on the telly this weekend.

Her observations:

  • This is the best looking Star Trek crew ever! 
  • Bummed at the death of Anton Yelchin
  • Finally got to see Idris face
  • Krall is like Dorian Grey( I totally missed that the first time)
  • Loved it!

I have to admit watching the second time, I really had fun. Still bummed the Enterprise was destroyed. I loved all the interactions and crew moments.

My gripes are:

  • Why is Kirk so depressed about being in space only 3 years in? Gald he regained his mojo at the end. I don't like depressed Kirk. 
  • After the second viewing I understand Krall's intentions a bit more( great Xindi and Romulan war references). However I wish they would have done a flashback with him and really rooted his character. I would have preferred a known character to a new one with little context.
All in all great re-watch, and I really hope they continue with new adventures in this Cinematic Universe.

4 tacos out of 5


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