Death by Sushi

Saturday, January 5th, 2008, 7:45pm
The day and time that Sushi officially died for me. Its possible that this death may be reversed, but in a way, Sushi has been dying a little every day for me.
It started with a ill conceived Uni shooter. Needless to say I had food poisoning for a week. Thinking back to my history with Sushi, while doubled over in pain, alternating between sitting on the toilet and kneeling before it, it shouldn't come as surprise.
In the late 1990's Sushi became Hip, trendy and exotic again. As its popularity surged, sushi shops opened with reckless abandon, and you can bet I was at every single one of them. Roll after roll, bite after bite, Sapporo after Kirin, a little bit of me died each time.
Looking at the Sushi menu at Harbor Sushi, the fatal blow seemed eminent. $18.00 for a Jalapeno/cream cheese/shrimp/tuna conglomeration roll thingy. At what point did we look at something that cost maybe $2.00 to produce, and agree that's spending $18.00 was OK?
Maybe its the economy that's is making me grumpy, with the continuing cratering of the housing market, pocket's are not so line with cash as they used to. With a $90.00 trip to the gas station every week, how long will we be wiling to pay these prices? Cost of one roll, one Sapporo, and one entree of Shortribds and tempura:$54.00.
The service was just there, not great, it took a long time to get what we ordered, and even longer to get her to come back to check on us. And the food, was very average.
So Sushi is dead, I want it to be resuscitated, I really do. Someone please call an ambulance.....
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