The LA Zoo!

They Got Reggie! For those who don’t know Reggie is a American Alligator that some guy bought as a pet, but Reggie got to big for him in so he dumped him in a lake. Then Reggie started terrorizing the locals until Animal Control caught him and there is now at the LA Zoo. Take a picture with a local celebrity.
The family went up from Ventura County on the July 4th weekend. Although warm, there was a decent breeze. It is kind of hard to complain about Zoos but unfortunately I have a few beefs. First is the Lay out is way wacky. You will be walking a country mile, which I know is what you do at a zoo, but the layout is weird. Signage I found confusing with lots of walking until you realize that you entered a service road, and have to turn back. The main walkway is uphill with roundabouts primarily on the left side.
Second beef is with Zoo food in general. Man the food was bad. Fried Garbage, a grey hot dog and lines out the door, need I say more. I know the Zoos make a lot of money off of concessions, and you have a captive audience so you could serve up a shoe on a plate and we would have to eat it. Please a little quality! The animals eat better than your guests, at least there food is fresh.
Ok, so that’s it. We basically had fun, and would return. The Gorillas were awesome, as were the giraffes, and Chimps. Next time we will pack a lunch. If you go, say Hi to Reggie for me.
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